Was Bigfoot Spotted Along I-80 on Saturday Night? [VIDEO]
Bigfoot enthusiasts are super excited as another sighting has been reported, this time along I-80.
The Scottsbluff Star Hearld published details about the sighting which occurred on Saturday night. A woman who was heading back home to Colorado, was driving near North Platte, NE when she saw the approximately 8 foot tall creature by the highway.
According to the story, the Bigfoot was standing near a game fence around mile marker 197 when the sighting occurred. The woman notified the Nebraska State Patrol of her sighting.
Bigfoot sightings have been reported all along the Platte River basin as it flows through Nebraska, especially through the panhandle region and this latest sighting happened very close to the north channel of the river.
Animal Planet put out a video a couple years ago showing some of their most compelling evidence that was collected over the years as they filmed the show 'Finding Bigfoot'. Watch their evidence in the video above and then let us know what you believe?
For more info on the new sighting in Nebraska, click here.
Source: StarHearld.com
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