
The Pros and Cons of Fall
The Pros and Cons of Fall
The Pros and Cons of Fall
You may have noticed by the bite in the air or the goo in your eyes -- fall is here! We have mixed emotions about this, so we thought we'd treat it like every person we've ever dated and make a thorough pro/con list about it before it never returns our calls anyway.
Rocker Down! Ace Frehley Falls Off Stage [VIDEO]
Rocker Down! Ace Frehley Falls Off Stage [VIDEO]
Rocker Down! Ace Frehley Falls Off Stage [VIDEO]
During a recent show at BB Kings in New York, ex-KISS star and writer of the book “No Regrets: A Rock N’ Roll Memoir,”--which gets released today--Ace Frehley was in the middle of a killer guitar solo when he fell off the stage. Always a professional, Ace gets back on stage, says "I need another guitar", and picks up where he left off...
Axl Rose Falls On Stage [VIDEO]
Axl Rose Falls On Stage [VIDEO]
Axl Rose Falls On Stage [VIDEO]
Axl Rose had a taste of Karma Tuesday night in Mexico as he fell during a Guns N' Roses performance of Bob Dylan's "Knockin' On Heaven's Door". Say what you want about Axl (and we do, repeatedly), you have to give it to him for never losing a beat and continuing on with the song as if nothing ever happened...

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