
This Massive 1-Gallon Flask Can Quench Any Thirst
This Massive 1-Gallon Flask Can Quench Any Thirst
This Massive 1-Gallon Flask Can Quench Any Thirst
Nothing announces your manliness to the universe more than taking a big ol’ swig of your favorite adult beverage from a pocket flask. This gargantuan flask, however, will make you the envy of every drunk in the world and probably will place you on some police watch list.
The Final Weekend- A Bachelor Party in Deadwood Part 2 [VIDEO]
The Final Weekend- A Bachelor Party in Deadwood Part 2 [VIDEO]
The Final Weekend- A Bachelor Party in Deadwood Part 2 [VIDEO]
It's 11:00 AM. I'm awake because I have to be, to do this post. My comrades, Nick(Other Nick from this point forward) and Adam are still asleep. I have a headache. I'm hungry. I can't find my belt. The following pictures and videos, while comical, do not accurately portray who we are as human beings.
Binge Drinking Linked To Brain Damage
Binge Drinking Linked To Brain Damage
Binge Drinking Linked To Brain Damage
This is another one of those study results that make all your memories make sense – like when your high school buddies would run into walls, or smack each other with baseball bats…even when they weren’t drunk.  Remember when everyone was telling you in high school and college that drinking alcohol was killing brain cells...