
The Funniest Photo Captions of the Week (Created By You!)
The Funniest Photo Captions of the Week (Created By You!)
The Funniest Photo Captions of the Week (Created By You!)
It seems like just one week ago we were posting a picture of a dog in a garbage can on our Facebook page. Since then, we've shared lots of stuff with you, and in return, you make us LOL with your witty, sometimes disturbing (looking at you, guy who said he take his time killing a cat) comments. Here are our favorite captions you provided for our weekly photo contest. Congratulations to our winners
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
Photobombs are the (often intoxicated) work of a dude who stealthily weasels his way into your photographs, completely marring what would've been a nice clean picture of you and your boo on your romantic vacation. But it doesn't stop here. This snapshot wrecking ball genius has pets.
Cat Uses Lightsabers to Fight Off ‘the Dog Side’
Cat Uses Lightsabers to Fight Off ‘the Dog Side’
Cat Uses Lightsabers to Fight Off ‘the Dog Side’
It’s Monday, and taking that into consideration, we thought it would be awesome to start the week with a cat video. Not the usual for this website, but it’s time to think outside the litter box. Also, we’ve been holding onto that joke for seven months.