A couple days ago, I asked what you and your spouse argue about the most. Out of the 5 possible responses, finances was the biggest brawl-beginner...by a wide margin.

42.86% of those who took part in our poll say money is the number one reason they get into it with their spouse. I can see that, considering we have a hard time with somebody else telling us how we should spend our money. Timmy thinks he deserves to blow his bread on a night out drinkin', while Suzie thinks they should actually pay off a bill. Sarah wants to get those new shoes she's had her eye on, while hubby Mark thinks the cash would be better placed into a college fund for Junior. These things happen.

After spending years spending money I didn't have on stuff I didn't need, my bride and I came to the conclusion that she should take control of the finances. Guess what? We have extra money every month, bills are paid off, and I have no idea what either one of us makes. I even get an allowance! It works for us, but it took a few years of me being stupid to figure it out.

If today's poll results tell us anything, it's this; You're not the only. Remember that before you go on your next Facebook rant...

Poll Results:

What Do You And Your Spouse Argue About?

Finances - 42.86%

In-Laws -  28.57%

Kids -        14.29%

Job -         14.29%

Friends -  0% ( I Think there are some liars out there...)

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