When we're in school, we tend to let most of the lessons come in one ear and go out the other. the problem is, when you're being forced to learn something you have no interest in, it's a waste of everybody's time. The second you leave school, your education REALLY begins. You see, the lessons you receive after leaving an educational institution happen for two main reasons - you've made a mistake, or you've searched for the knowledge for your own curiosity. Odds are, these lessons will stick with you for the remainder of your life.

I personally have a fetish for history. Any nation, any era...whatever works. When the History Channel used to show actual shows that have something to do with history, I would turn it on, and then throw the remote away.

What do you like to learn about? Read through today's answers, then feel free to add your own favorite topic of study in the comment section

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 8/20/12

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