Douche Bag

Jeans For Tools [VIDEO]
Jeans For Tools [VIDEO]
Jeans For Tools [VIDEO]
The only good reason for someone to actually wear skinny jeans is if they're extremely fat and they're making fun of the jeans and themselves.  All the while this fat person wearing skinny jeans definitely needs to be eating something.  Something dripping all over themselves and greasy.  I know I have a sick sense of humor, but I'd respect that person. That said, here's a video making fun of all t
Revenge Is A Dish Served Cold…Very Cold [PIC]
Revenge Is A Dish Served Cold…Very Cold [PIC]
Revenge Is A Dish Served Cold…Very Cold [PIC]
I remember the first apartment I ever had. The complex had a communal set of washers and dryers. It was a giant pain in the ass, especially during winter in Montana. Luckily I never ran into assholes who would pull shenanigans like taking my stuff out of the washer or dryer...