
Five Reasons Not To Go Out On Your Birthday
Five Reasons Not To Go Out On Your Birthday
Five Reasons Not To Go Out On Your Birthday
Today, April 12th, is my birthday. It's shared with David Letterman, Shannen Doherty, Claire Danes and many others, I'm sure. I appreciate the 'Happy Birthdays' but I don't celebrate it much. I'm kind of a homebody so I chill at home with the kids. Sure, we'll get a cake because that's what's supposed to happen on your birthday from a kid's point of view, but I refuse to go out. Here are my top fi
Legend of Zelda is 25 Years Old Today
Legend of Zelda is 25 Years Old Today
Legend of Zelda is 25 Years Old Today
On this day in history, August 22nd, 1987, The Legend of Zelda for the NES was released. A game of this magnitude, for it's time, was unheard of and got everyone set to go on an adventure in a game that would be the measuring stick for all action/rpg/adventure games to come.
Cake To The Face [VIDEO]
Cake To The Face [VIDEO]
Cake To The Face [VIDEO]
I'm on edge myself and I'd love to smash someone's face into well anything, but actually doing it? Probably not.  However, this chick did just that.  You can even see the evil in her face before hand.
Grandparents Give Weird Performance For Grandson [VIDEO]
Grandparents Give Weird Performance For Grandson [VIDEO]
Grandparents Give Weird Performance For Grandson [VIDEO]
We've all had an embarrassing moment involving Grandma And Grandpa. These two fuddy-duddies wrote and a performed a blues tune for their grandson's 18th birthday, and while grandma's dancing is probably going to give Josh nightmares, I personally think it's pretty cool...