When I first moved to Casper in the mid-90's, I knew that I was coming to a place where people were tougher than most who live in big cities. I moved here from a place where the schools had metal detectors to stop kids from bringing weapons onto the property, and I about crapped my pants the first time I saw a truck in the N.C. parking lot with a cache of rifles in the back window. Not sure what I should do (where I came from, you'd get in trouble for not reporting it, plus you were worried the dude would go ballistic and shoot everybody), I waited until the Junior got out of school and confronted him. He couldn't believe that I was worried, and informed that the guns were so he could shoot coyotes on his way home. After that, I noticed a lot of trucks with gun racks in the back.

That was a huge culture shock, to say the least.

After living here for the past 18 years, I've become accustomed to seeing guns, and listening to conversations about the best hunting spots, techniques, and ways to track animals. Not something I grew up around, but I'm definitely in the minority around here.

Yesterday's poll results weren't really a surprise. We host a male strip show for all of the "hunting widows" every year, just because the ladies are looking for something to do when their husbands are killing things. Heck, half the ladies around here can shoot a gun better than most special-ops veterans!

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