WTF Couple Pics

Never fear, reader, there’s someone for everyone. Here are a few tips to help you find your ideal mate.

Some couples are just drawn to each other, like magnets – If you’re drawn to someone, don’t ignore it:

WTF couple pics

Search for people who you share common interest with. Love weird walks? You’re not the only one:

WTF couple pics

Love…Cat things? A lot? Sure, there’s probably someone else:

WTF couple pics

If you know you’re not good at something, find someone who compliments those weaknesses, to create balance:

WTF couple pics

Sometimes, all it takes is a smile to see there’s a connection:

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Know what you want. Do you want a strong woman? How about a really strong woman:

WTF couple pics

Dating someone with a different background than you is a great way to learn more about the world:

WTF couple pics

Make sure you establish your dealbreakers early on, before anyone is too invested. Who knows! You might just find that the ‘package deal’ that they come in is the same as yours:

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Remember: Sometimes the oddest matches form the strongest bonds. Don’t overlook someone who seems different than what you imagined your mate to be:

WTF couple pics

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