What Is Important To Be Aware Of When Buying Wyoming Firewood?
If you're thinking of installing a wood burning stove into your home, shop or cabin there are things to consider before getting started.
- Are you going to be able to cut your own wood or buy truckloads of cut wood?
- How much wood are you going to need to stay warm all winter?
- What type of wood are you going to burn?
- Can you keep up maintenance of the wood stove?
All very valid things to think about. If you decide all things are a go for you and you don't have access to wood to cut, you can find a supplier that will cut it and drop it off at your house.
When you buy your wood, make sure you getting the best for your buck.
Here are a few tips for choosing the best wood
Firewood and hot coals burn in a brick fireplace with bright fire
- Make sure you're getting seasoned 'ready to burn' dry firewood.
- Wood will not be seasoned and dry until it has been split and stacked out of the elements for a period of time
- The best wood will have a moisture level to be less than 20% for optimal use.
- Make sure you're getting the actual amount of wood you've paid for and not being tricked
- Make sure the wood you're getting isn't rotten. Rotten wood will burn faster and not benefit you as much.
- Look for wood that is split close to the same length
- If you're happy with your wood supplier, stick with them. You're going to know what you're getting
It's easy to get taken advantage of by shady firewood sellers. Check out these videos from guys that cut wood for a living. They make some good points and give great ideas of what to look for when buying wood.
LOOK: Crater Ridge Fire Burning In Wyoming
The Crater Ridge fire ignited in the Bighorn National Forest in mid-July. Since then, it has grown to more than 6,000 acres in size. As of August 30, the fire is 52% contained.