What Does Dad REALLY Want for Father’s Day?
Father's Day is sneaking up on us on June 21st. Have you gotten your papa something nice? Dads here in our part of the country are pretty easy to please: your best bet is beer and BBQ. The website Ebates.com recently had a survey done of over 1,000 dads, asking them what they want and don't want for Father's Day. Here is what they found.
The top seven things they want are:
1) A trip
2) Tickets to a sporting event (when they return)
3) Power tools
4) an iPad
5) a watch
6) Beer
7) Barbecue gear
And the top four things they really DON'T want are:
1) A gym membership
2) Underwear
3) Socks
4) Ties
As it turns out, dads have already given up of getting in shape for the summer. NO MORE GYM, bring on the beer and barbecue.