Today Is Giving Tuesday And Wyoming Charities Need Your Help
Today is Giving Tuesday, and Wyoming, we need you to step it up.

The last two years have been heartbreakingly hard on charities.
Many of their regular donors are struggling themselves and unable to donate as much money, but many of the shipping and inflation issues that are affecting consumers, are also preventing charities from receiving what they need.
Add to that rising numbers of community members that need help and support, and you can see that why these times are challenging.
Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 for one simple reason, to encourage good.
Over the years it has developed into a way for local charities to encourage those that support their mission to make donations.
If you have a certain charity you already support, today is the day to give a little extra.
If you're wondering what Wyoming-based charity you should choose from (because there are so many amazing ones) I suggest picking a cause that is close to your heart and donating to them.
This article can give you more ideas on how to make sure the charity you want to donate to is valid, and this site will show you how a variety of Wyoming charities are rated.
Giving Tuesday is a wonderful time to make a donation in the name of a loved one. It makes a unique thoughtful gift for Christmas and is an amazing way to honor those we've lost in the past year.
But, what if you don't have money to donate?
Can you still participate in Giving Tuesday?
- Share information about charities you love on your social media sites and encourage friends to donate.
- Sign up to volunteer at an upcoming event for a charity of your choice.
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