The Nicolaysen Art Museum Seeks New Director, Wyoming
The Nicolaysen Art Museum is seeking a new executive director.
The museum’s board of directors began a search in September to replace Andy Couch, who left to pursue a doctoral degree at The University of Oklahoma and is now executive director of the Norman Firehouse Art Center.
The board’s goal is for the next director to start by Jan. 1, 2023. The members will select candidates for interviews by November 1 and complete the finalists’ second interviews in person by mid-November.
The new director will lead a process to collect feedback through dialogue with the community about the direction and future of the museum.

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“The Nicolaysen is at a critical juncture in our evolution as a contemporary art museum,” Bond said. “Many in the arts community find it amazing and unusual that a city the size of Casper has a contemporary art museum. Over the years, many executive directors and boards of directors at the museum have struggled to acquire and maintain a steady stream of financial support to keep the doors open. Many have wondered, ‘Is this realistic and even possible to sustain?’ The role of the community and particularly museum members, staff, leadership and board members is to first ensure that the museum has the appropriate mission that fills a community need and desire. Secondly, we must examine the extent to which we are successfully fulfilling that mission. Is this what members and the community want from the museum? These will be the challenges that a new executive director will continue to face.”
The executive director position is posted on the Colorado-Wyoming Association of Museums and the Mountain-Plains Museums Association websites as well as on the NIC’s website, Facebook and Instagram pages.
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