Careful About Posting Your Strong Opinions On Your Social Media
Growing up in a time when social media is apart of your everyday life can be a very challenging thing when you grow up and start looking for a job or a career for that matter. Bosses everywhere are actually using their Facebook and other social media outlets to look at your profile and see what kind of person you are when you're busying typing away.
Studyfinds.org posted an article stating that the more you're posting on social media about your drug use, alcohol consumption, and just your general attitude online can severely hurt your chances of actually obtaining your dream job.
This study was conducted by the smart folks at Penn State because they realized that not a ton of research had been done on this specific tactic of deciding who you should hire and who you should not hire based on their online profile.
You can read the entire article here but for now, I'll just tell you that no everything you think in your mind is something that needs to be shared on any of your online profiles because someone is always watching you and judging you from another screen.

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