The internet's favorite friendship: Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg. She decorated some pot-leaf cookies for him the other day in an Instagram video she posted.
Source: <a href="">Instagram</a>
The Casper Police Department wants to make sure residents are informed about the dangers of driving under the influence, and not just alcohol, but also drugs like marijuana.
There are many rumors about where the term "420" ((pronounced four-twenty) originated and how it became the code word for cannabis users, but the most widely excepted version revolves around a group of young pot-heads in the early 1970s called the Waldos.
In case you missed this insanely viral video, a group of grannies up in Washington got together to smoke weed for the first time. The best part is the director explaining certain things throughout the video.
A motorist near Casper was recently pulled over for a routine traffic violation. The Wyoming Highway Patrol found more than they bargained for inside the vehicle...
While the federal government now looks at marijuana in a negative light, it once had a campaign that actually encouraged farmers to grow as much as they could.
Today would have been Bob Marley's 68th birthday. The legendary musician and activist still has quite a following, despite passing away almost 22 years ago. One of the big differences between then and now is that now most people feel the best way to express their appreciation is to smoke a bunch of weed and then write about it on Twitter...