
Wyoming's STD Ranking
Wyoming's STD Ranking
Wyoming's STD Ranking
If you've been on Facebook anytime in the last 6 months, there's no doubt you've seen advertisements on your feed about STD's from KNOWYO. They break down the types of disease's, and amount of people who have them, per county.
Wyoming Ranks #3 On Beer Lovers List
There was a recent study done on the best U.S. states for beer lovers, and Wyoming ranks 3rd - only Montana (1st) and Wisconsin (2nd) have us beat. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I'll take a moment to down some suds while I ponder the results.
Best Late To Work Excuses
Best Late To Work Excuses
Best Late To Work Excuses
This morning, I woke up a half hour before I needed to be on the road. I totally slept through my alarm clock and everything. Hell, the only reason I woke up is because the sun came through the windows.
Study Suggests Women Are Turned Off By Men Who Smile
Study Suggests Women Are Turned Off By Men Who Smile
Study Suggests Women Are Turned Off By Men Who Smile
According to a new study, women aren't attracted to men who smile. Researchers from the University of British Columbia had 1000 adults rate hundreds of photos of members of the opposite sex for sexual attractiveness. In the images, the models displayed a wide-range of facial expressions and poses...