Golfers are an interesting breed. They'll walk 18 holes in sweltering Africa-type heat or risk pneumonia in a persistent cold drizzle just to put a tiny ball in a tiny hole. Now, it seems they won't let the need to relieve themselves get in the way, either.
It's not news that the country is experiencing some pretty frigid weather at the moment. Some people have taken advantage of the freezing cold to conduct some experiments in the name of science -- like peeing into below-freezing air. Needless to say, the following is NSFW.
We're no experts, but we imagine that dealing with drunken idiots is every cop's least favorite part of the job, especially guys like the dude about at Oktoberfest, or the Seattle man who recently peed in the back of a patrol car on Sunday while being transported to jail. Hey, can you blame him? At least he was wearing a diaper at the time.
Having male genitalia for the majority of my life, I - like most men -have found entertaining ways to use it. But I've also had instances beyond my control that make bathroom time uncomfortable. Below is a list of 9 circumstances that most men find themselves in when it's time to hit the head...
You ever play that joke on a friend where you put his hand in water while he's sleeping so he pees himself? This Panda Bear has his own version of the game...
Watch as he gives another Panda the rudest awakening ever, and then goes and celebrates with his buddies...
A man in Ohio has a very unusual drinking habit. Alan David Patton, 59, was banned from using public restrooms because he has a fetish for drinking urine! His latest bathroom-related incident got him sentenced to 30 days in jail and five years house arrest.
When A woman in Pennsylvania was kicked out of a convenience store early Saturday, she got upset. That's when 23-year-oldsnuck into the store's walk-in freezer and peed all over the baked goods.