
Bikini Coffee Shop Hits Casper
Bikini Coffee Shop Hits Casper
Bikini Coffee Shop Hits Casper
Having issues waking up in the morning? Maybe you need a little something stronger than caffeine alone? How about coffee served by a bikini-clad barista?
Happy National Coffee Day
Happy National Coffee Day
Happy National Coffee Day
If you had too many brewskies for National Drink A Beer Day yesterday, maybe you need to celebrate National Coffee Day. Or maybe you're like me and just baffled there's a national day for everything...
This Commercial Guarantees You’ll Never Drink Tea Again [VIDEO]
This Commercial Guarantees You’ll Never Drink Tea Again [VIDEO]
This Commercial Guarantees You’ll Never Drink Tea Again [VIDEO]
Attack ads are as old as time (or media, anyway), and while they be can pretty annoying during political season, there are some classics that make you smile. The Coke vs. Pepsi commercials are always great, and the skunky beer spots are always worth a giggle. Schumos Coffee, though, may have taken them to a completely different level.

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