Nope, Rosie O’Donnell Won’t Play SNL’s Steve Bannon
The ongoing saga of SNL’s antagonistic relationship with the Trump administration yielded some strange results last week, as Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer impression reportedly upset the tweeter-in-chief by casting a woman in a male role. The internet was quick to yield additional suggestions for female stars to play male Trump staff, including his longtime target Rosie O’Donnell, though SNL apparently declined.
It all started after this past Saturday’s press briefing sketch with McCarthy in the role of Press Secretary Sean Spicer, the popularity of which even had Spicer in decent spirits. Compounded with Alec Baldwin’s inflammatory Trump impression, the last week has seen a rash of potential casting suggestions, from Baldwin’s own brother Billy as Eric Trump (currently played by Alex Moffat) to Christine Baranski as Education Secretary Betsy DeVos (played in the Spicer sketch by Kate McKinnon, who also portrays Kellyanne Conway).
That said, Politico’s report on a female Spicer impersonation rattling Trump made the biggest waves, for which suggestions emerged that Rosie O’Donnell should exacerbate Trump’s ire by guest-starring as advisor Steve Bannon. To date, SNL has only portrayed Bannon as a Grim Reaper figure, though this past weekend’s appearance played up suggestions that Bannon, not Trump, holds true power in the White House.
O’Donnell gamely fueled the support for playing Bannon, even changing her Twitter avatar to a photoshopped portrait of her face on the former Breitbart executive. That said, Entertainment Weekly confirms that O’Donnell was not asked to play Bannon during this weekend’s Baldwin-hosted SNL, if indeed the character is scheduled to appear at all.
SNL naturally wants to pick and choose Trump administration parodies on its own terms, but would O’Donnell make for the best Bannon, should the program decide to unmask its Grim Reaper? Who else should SNL look outside the cast to portray?
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