In Advance Of Storm, Natrona County School District Reminder About Inclement Weather Policy
In advance of this latest winter storm, the Natrona County School District is reminding the community about its inclement weather protocols. The National Weather Service is predicting a major winter storm with the heaviest snowfall from the pre-dawn hours Thursday through Thursday afternoon, possibly up to a foot of snow. Windy conditions causing blowing and drifting show. The District released this statement:
"Natrona County School District recognizes that school is an important part of community and family life. As a result, schools will be closed for inclement weather or natural disasters only when the community itself is unable to operate safely. Primary factors considered are adverse weather conditions and safe transportation of students and staff.
Communications to parents and guardians are sent out via text and phone call by approx. 5:30 a.m. via Infinite Campus. To verify your contact information is up-to-date via Infinite Campus, please visit www.natronaschools.org and click on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal icon.
Communications are sent out via email no later than approx. 5:30 a.m. to media partners to assist in sending the message to the community. Updates will also be posted on NCSD social media. The primary responsibility in protecting a child’s health and school attendance always resides with the parent or guardian."
You can find the entire NCSD inclement Weather Protocol HERE.