Casper Named One of the Most Magical Wyoming Christmas Cities
If you live in Casper, you should feel magical if a recent internet best of list is to be believed.
Only In Your State felt the need to declare the 8 most magical Christmas cities in Wyoming. You can throw science out the window since this is based on someone's opinion, but it's still nice that Casper gets a shout-out.
They had some nice words for us at least.
Somehow, the big city of Casper finda way to maintain that small town charm, especially during the holiday season! Casper's Christmas Parade is the best in the state.
I didn't know "finda" was a word, but I understand what they're getting at. The Christmas Parade from last weekend was pretty awesome, wasn't it?
Cody and Sheridan were among the other 7 Wyoming cities that made this admittedly pretty trivial list.