Casper Musicians Aquile, Zach Scott, and More Performing at Red Rocks This Month
Dreams make good stories, but everything important happens when we're awake.
- Dune
It's the chance of a lifetime, and it's a dream come true.

It's not the Grand Ole Opry or Madison Square Garden or Carnegie Hall, but Red Rocks in Colorado is a stage that many, many musicians aspire to perform on and Casper musicians Aquile, Zach Scott, and more will be playing there later this month as part of 'Film on the Rocks.'

'Film on the Rocks' is a collaboration between Denver Film and Denver Arts & Venue that combines music and film in one of the most gorgeous spaces available.
And that space is Red Rocks.
"After two years of drive-in screenings and a limited run of in-amphitheatre events in 2021, the 2022 Film on the Rocks will be a fully in-amphitheatre experience," the Denver FIlm website states. "The classic summer series returns, featuring live performances and beloved films under the stars at the iconic Red Rocks Park & Amphitheatre."
And on Monday, September 26 Aquile and co. will be playing the Red Rocks stage before a showing of Dune!
"As most people know, they throw a lot of different events on at Red Rocks," Aquile told K2 Radio News. "This event is called 'Film on the Rocks' and myself and my band are going to open up for the movie portion of the night."
Aquile said that he got involved with this event because a friend of his who coordinates the events offered the gig to him.
"I was just super fortunate to cross paths with her," Aquile said. "She offered me this gig and it was a dream come true. I was like, 'Of course I'll take it!'"
So, he did.
Aquile said playing Red Rocks has been a career goal for him for years, since before he even picked up a guitar.
"It's been a dream of mine since I saw a Dave Matthews DVD," he stated. "That was like, 15 or 20 years ago. I watched the documentary in high school and thought that place was incredible. I didn't realize it was right next door. It's a huge deal. And it's, like, spiritual for a lot of people. I've heard that it absolutely changes people who go there."
And it does.
The history of Red Rocks is an entire story unto itself, but the gist is this: It was opened/dedicated in 1941 and it features 2.5 miles of seating, with a capacity of 9,525 people.
"Red Rocks Amphitheatre is a geological phenomenon – the only naturally-occurring, acoustically perfect amphitheatre in the world," the Red Rocks website states. "From Sting and The Beatles, to opera stars and U2, every artist aspires to play on this magical, spiritual and emotional stage."
"It's huge," Aquile reiterated. "I went there about six years ago with a friend and just went during the day to check out the venue. We walked down to the stage and I sang a portion of the National Anthem on stage, just to hear the acoustics. And I just got overwhelmed, even with nobody in the audience! I was like, 'Oh my gosh, I've gotta play here one day.' I started manifesting it years ago and it's a testimony of manifestation and how God works, you know? It's crazy."
It's a dream he's had for years, and he's finally fulfilling it.
And he's bringing his band with him.
Zach Scott, Joe Cheyenne and DJ Whyte Choc are all tremendous musicians in their own right, just as deserving as rocking the Red Rocks stage as Aquile is.
"Joe Cheyenne and I grew up together in Douglas and we've had the dream since we were kids of playing big stages and being professional musicians," Aquile shared. "DJ Whyte Choc - same thing. I love sharing the stage with great people and great musicians and there's no way I'd want to do this opportunity by myself. It's gonna be really cool to share the stage with such talent. Zach Scott - he's phenomenal. He's gonna be helping me with the band, playing keys, and he'll play a couple of his own originals. I'm gonna throw Joe Cheyenne up for an original too. And it's just so cool to share that stage, to share such an incredible opportunity, with people that I love."
It's the chance of a lifetime; one that only comes to those who work for it. And make no mistake about it - Aquile and the others have most definitely worked for it. It's one thing to dream about making it to the big stage; it's a completely other thing to actually make it happen.
This band, these musicians, have made it happen. And now, their hometown has the opportunity to go and support them, while taking in a beautiful scene, incredible music, and a phenomenal film.
"If you haven't been to Red Rocks yet, you should get there," Aquile said. "And this is the perfect time to do so and support your local boys. I'm so grateful and thankful for everybody's support and encouragement. I'm blown away by this community's support."
The concert/movie is happening on Monday, September 26. The pre-show concert starts at 7:00 p.m. and the movie begins at 8:30 p.m. It will be a night to remember, for the musicians and for the audience.
Because everybody in that crowd, everyone sitting inside of that beautiful amphitheater won't just be watching a concert and a movie. They'll be watching a few Wyoming kids literally living their dreams. It'll make for a good story. But the best part of this story is that it's happening when they're awake.
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