
Who Are The Wealthiest People In Wyoming & How Much Are They Worth?
Who Are The Wealthiest People In Wyoming & How Much Are They Worth?
Who Are The Wealthiest People In Wyoming & How Much Are They Worth?
With all the hoop-lah about jobs, it's nice to know the state of Wyoming has it's share of billionaires... not millionaires. Now you know who to ask for a loan. A top the list is Christy Walton who is also the richest woman in the world with a net worth of 34 billion dollars...
Biggest Problems With Living In A Wealthy Country [VIDEO]
Biggest Problems With Living In A Wealthy Country [VIDEO]
Biggest Problems With Living In A Wealthy Country [VIDEO]
Those selfish people in third world countries are always whining that they "have no food", or "are constantly being repressed by overzealous and cruel dictators", and, of course, "we have no medicine!". Bastards. What about our problems...