
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Teen Listening to Music Oblivious to Tornado Blowing Over Him [Video]
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Teen Listening to Music Oblivious to Tornado Blowing Over Him [Video]
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Teen Listening to Music Oblivious to Tornado Blowing Over Him [Video]
There are people that like their music, and then there are people who REALLY like their music! Wyatt Schrepfer, of Colorado Springs, Colo., really likes his music. While mowing weeds next to his home's driveway, the 18-year-old was completely oblivious to the fact that a tornado was creeping up behind him.
Best Summer Jobs for Teens in Casper
Best Summer Jobs for Teens in Casper
Best Summer Jobs for Teens in Casper
School is almost out, and summer is coming closer.  That means students around Casper will be getting three months to just hangout, lounge around, and if you are a teen, get a summer job.  For those teens looking for some extra spending cash this summer, we have a list of some of the best summer jobs in Casper.
Binge Drinking Linked To Brain Damage
Binge Drinking Linked To Brain Damage
Binge Drinking Linked To Brain Damage
This is another one of those study results that make all your memories make sense – like when your high school buddies would run into walls, or smack each other with baseball bats…even when they weren’t drunk.  Remember when everyone was telling you in high school and college that drinking alcohol was killing brain cells...