Star Wars

Fans Remake Star Wars :15 Seconds At A Time [VIDEO]
Fans Remake Star Wars :15 Seconds At A Time [VIDEO]
Fans Remake Star Wars :15 Seconds At A Time [VIDEO]
The dudes at Star Wars Uncut asked people to record their favorite scenes from Star Wars in :15 second intervals. The idea took off, and now they have a complete scene-for-scene it's entirety! This is actually pretty damn cool, especially if you're looking for something to do while your boss pays you...
This Is Your Dog On Star Wars [VIDEO]
This Is Your Dog On Star Wars [VIDEO]
This Is Your Dog On Star Wars [VIDEO]
The Big Game is almost here! Sunday, February 5th your gonna get football, commercials, and of course The Puppy Bowl! Speaking of puppies, check out this video showing some love for puppies, Star Wars, and VW: VIA
Star Wars And Farts [VIDEO]
Star Wars And Farts [VIDEO]
Star Wars And Farts [VIDEO]
Ya know the scene when Luke first meets Yoda? Well, someone brilliantly recreated this scene and added fart sound effects. Honestly, this fits perfectly. This is exactly how my own grandmother walks and I love her for it. It's free entertainment! Farting is just plain funny.
Star Wars VS. Star Trek Feud Continues [VIDEO]
Star Wars VS. Star Trek Feud Continues [VIDEO]
Star Wars VS. Star Trek Feud Continues [VIDEO]
Right now, there is an army of geeks fighting the epic battle of "Star Wars VS. Star Trek". Carrie Fisher (who shows off some nice cleavage) started the most recent feud with some choice words for Star Trek seducer William Shatner, and he responds with a very well phrased "F*** You...
‘Star Wars Disco Ballet’ Is a Thing That Exists [VIDEO]
‘Star Wars Disco Ballet’ Is a Thing That Exists [VIDEO]
‘Star Wars Disco Ballet’ Is a Thing That Exists [VIDEO]
What do you get when you put together disco, a few dozen yards of gold lamé, a troupe of ballet dancers and ‘Star Wars’ mania at its late ’70s peak? The answer, as demonstrated by this mesmerizing four-minute “disco ballet” from a French TV show, is one of the most mind-bogglingly awesome insane ‘Star Wars’ tie-ins we’ve ever seen — and yes, that includes the infamous ‘Star Wars Holiday Special.’ 

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