
Couple Gets Married During New York Marathon [VIDEO]
Couple Gets Married During New York Marathon [VIDEO]
Couple Gets Married During New York Marathon [VIDEO]
So this couple got married during the New York I guess, but what I really want to know is why are there side line reporters for this?  It's not like it's football!  How boring.  Anyways, here's the video...I like how the officiant has to run too...
Reasons To Keep Sitting On Your Fat Ass [VIDEO] [NSFW]
Reasons To Keep Sitting On Your Fat Ass [VIDEO] [NSFW]
Reasons To Keep Sitting On Your Fat Ass [VIDEO] [NSFW]
As if you really need any reasons to keep chilling on the coach all the while drinking a cold one and watching football, because I'm so for that. Honestly, last night I walked for 30 minutes all the while only thinking about a Baby Ruth bar, which I promptly ate after my exercise. And yes, I said walk...I didn't even run. :-)