
Legend of Zelda is 25 Years Old Today
Legend of Zelda is 25 Years Old Today
Legend of Zelda is 25 Years Old Today
On this day in history, August 22nd, 1987, The Legend of Zelda for the NES was released. A game of this magnitude, for it's time, was unheard of and got everyone set to go on an adventure in a game that would be the measuring stick for all action/rpg/adventure games to come.
NES Zapper Has Iconic Sound That Triggers Great Memories [VIDEO]
NES Zapper Has Iconic Sound That Triggers Great Memories [VIDEO]
NES Zapper Has Iconic Sound That Triggers Great Memories [VIDEO]
Just for fun, over the weekend I hooked up my old NES so I could introduce my 6 year old and 4 year old to the beauty known as Duck Hunt. My little girls aren't really into video games, but I thought Duck Hunt would be simple and fun enough. Going through some boxes, I finally ran across it. Pulling the trigger immediately triggered memories.