
You’ve Heard of the ‘Snowball Effect’ – Let Me Tell You About My ‘Hostess Snoball Effect’
You’ve Heard of the ‘Snowball Effect’ – Let Me Tell You About My ‘Hostess Snoball Effect’
You’ve Heard of the ‘Snowball Effect’ – Let Me Tell You About My ‘Hostess Snoball Effect’
The snowball effect is when something starts out small, for instance, a lie, but eventually grows more and more until you can't stop it. All of which could've been prevented if you hadn't started the lie in the first place. My Hostess Snoball Effect is nothing like that. It's more about thinking you like something when you really don't, but forgetting you don't until you try it again, reminding yo
Hostess Ding Dongs are Back but Not Better Than Before [REVIEW]
Hostess Ding Dongs are Back but Not Better Than Before [REVIEW]
Hostess Ding Dongs are Back but Not Better Than Before [REVIEW]
A few months ago Hostess products hit the store shelves with Twinkies, Cup Cakes, Ho Hos, Fruit Pies and many other of their classic favorite snack cakes. One that was missing is my favorite, the Ding Dong. The chocolate coated devil's food cake with cream on the inside. You can imaging my excitement when I saw them back on the shelf the other day. Unfortunately, these weren't the Ding Dongs I was
Will Disney Buy Hostess?
Will Disney Buy Hostess?
Will Disney Buy Hostess?
Since the news of Hostess going bankrupt is shattering snack fiends around the country, it brought up this thought. Hostess is going bankrupt, but the products probably won't go anywhere since the brands are so strong. More than likely, they'll auction them off to another company. But who will step up to buy them?