
This Guy Knows Exactly When He’s On TV [VIDEO]
This Guy Knows Exactly When He’s On TV [VIDEO]
This Guy Knows Exactly When He’s On TV [VIDEO]
I love this guy and I don't have a clue who he is. Some random dude, some regular audience member of this show from overseas, or I'm assuming it is because of the host's accent, interviewing someone. They go to Camera 3 to get a shot of the audience in full attention to the interview, except for one guy who has a 'spidey-sense' for when the camera is on him.
The Best Dude Moments In Cinematic History [VIDEO]
The Best Dude Moments In Cinematic History [VIDEO]
The Best Dude Moments In Cinematic History [VIDEO]
I may be dating myself here, but I used to love listening to Adam Sandler's first album, particularly the one bit with the whole "Dude! Homey! Buddy! Dude!" thing going on. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you were most likely born in the 90's...