Barack Obama

Barack Obama Sings ‘Can’t Touch This’
Barack Obama Sings ‘Can’t Touch This’
Barack Obama Sings ‘Can’t Touch This’
He's at it once again. Now that he has 'four more years', I present to you Barack Obama "singing" 'Can't Touch This' by MC Hammer. Obviously, he's not really singing. Someone took his audio clips and put them together to make him 'sing' the lyrics...
‘South Park’ Calls the Election Early in New “Obama Wins!” Season Finale Clip
‘South Park’ Calls the Election Early in New “Obama Wins!” Season Finale Clip
‘South Park’ Calls the Election Early in New “Obama Wins!” Season Finale Clip
If nothing else, 'South Park' will always be known for its lightning quick turn-around when it comes to production, often parodying topical events mere days after they occur.  This was never more clear than 2008's "About Last Night...," which parodied the election results the night before, but has 'South Park' gotten even faster in recent years?  Given that the next episode will be title
Top 5 Presidents I’d Party With
Top 5 Presidents I’d Party With
Top 5 Presidents I’d Party With
We’re waist deep in the 2012 Presidential Election, and there are many questions circling all of our heads, as we get ready to vote on who will be the leader of our nation for the next four years- how will this person handle health care? Will we get out of debt? What about Immigration laws? These are all great questions, and ones that no doubt need to be thoroughly thought about and discussed, but