The A'salt Creek Roller Girls are back in action this Saturday at the fairgrounds industrial building (doors at 5, bout starts at 6). In a battle with the Billings Roller Derby Dames for mid-west supremacy, be prepared for hard hitting, high energy, and tight shorts. Tickets are available at Sonic Rainbow, our studios (150 N. Nichols) and from your favorite roller girl. Your chance at free ones is right here.

Today, we take a look at the history of A'Salt Creek Roller Girls: 

The A'Salt Creek Roller Girls became a reality on November 4, 2009. The 

A'Salt Creek Roller Girls, Original Line-Up

team started with the blood, sweat and tears of a handful of girls who had hopes and dreams of bringing roller derby to Casper, Wyoming.  Eight, very enthusiastic women got started learning the game and honing skills.  The Naughty Pines Derby Dames of Laramie, Wyoming and the Rushmore Rollerz of Rapid City, South Dakota lent a hand in teaching the fresh ACRG several drills and skills.  The team had also gained a valuable asset in newly appointed coach, Kev "English Muffin" Tuck, who came to them from the Treasure Valley Roller Girls of Boise, Idaho.  Soon the team had doubled, not only in size, but knowledge too.  On June 19, 2010, ACRG played thier first bout...and WON!  Hard work

A'Salt Creek Roller Girls

and perseverance had paid off.  The team was well on thier way to making their premier bout at home a success.  On August 21, 2010 with a crowd of over 1000, the ladies brought home another win.

Now in the second season, the team has been travelling further afield, playing more experienced teams from several states. Overall, the team has a 5-4 record for this season and with the constantly improving skills of the ladies involved, they are looking to finish the season strongly.

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