We featured the 28-year-old bookworm AnnaLee back in mid-May. She’s back with a new set of pics that will have you composing ’80′s heavy metal & power ballads (her favorite). 

Age: 28


Fantasy: A responsible world. For all living things to have a fair chance at life. An end to prejudice and greed. My family to be happy. To live by the sea and grow all my own food and be in peace away from most people. Visit Russia, India and Japan and everywhere in between but always have a nest to come back to. That’s not much to ask for, right?!

My idea of a good time: Reading at the coffee shop.


Bands: Philip Glass, Jefferson Airplane, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Elvis, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, The Pretenders, Roy Orbison and Dio.

Films: Blade Runner, Withnail & I, The Wicker Man, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Ghost World, Amelie, Star Wars films.


Books: Virginia Woolf – The Waves, The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy – Anna Karenina, Hermann Hesse – Steppenwolf, Philip K. Dick – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Anything by the amazing Kurt Vonnegut.

Artists: Frida Kahlo and Vincent Van Gogh.


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