Wyoming Cycling Task Force Wants To Hear From Public
Do you love to bike and ride on Wyoming's trails and pathways? You might want to weigh on the Wyoming Cycling Task Force's next meeting. The effort is Wyoming's first look on a state level at the economic, health and community benefits of bicycle and pedestrian pathways and natural surface trails.
Governor Matt Mead’s Wyoming Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force will convene for a phone meeting at 9 a.m. on Aug. 9th, and the public is encouraged to listen in and offer thoughts and comments.
The 13-member task force was formed by the 2016 Wyoming Legislature "to help Wyoming become a place where people choose to walk and ride on an enhanced transportation and recreation system."
The members of the Task Force are considering the potential economic and health benefits to non-motorized transportation, as well as challenges including safety and funding. A number of cycling destinations are found in Wyoming including Curt Gowdy and Glendo state parks, Casper Mountain, Johnny-Behind-the-Rocks and more. Both the Trans-America Trail and the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route crisscross the state and draw thousands of cyclists to the state’s towns and cities.
You can join the August 9th meeting by visiting https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/480466045, or calling 1 (571) 317-3112 and entering the access code 480-466-045. You can also comment on the draft plan by visiting http://wyomingbusiness.org/bicycle or emailing Task Force Chairman Tim Young at tim@wyopath.org.
A final report is due to Gov. Mead by October 1st, 2017.
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