From now until October 15th, just a simple click of your mouse can help Wyoming Food for Thought Project earn $10,000.


Tom's of Maine is a maker of personal care products and they believe in giving back to their community and their country.The Tom’s of Maine 50 States for Good contest is underway and Wyoming Food for Thought Project was chosen as the finalist for Wyoming. Wyoming Food For Thought is an organization that focuses on the concept of "Food Equality", as they seek to forge partnerships and infuse the community with opportunities to access affordable and healthy food for everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status. Nominated by a constant supporter, they now have the chance (with your help) to get one of fifteen (15) $10,000 grants. Simply click the button

And you can vote every day from now until October 15th, click on the State of Wyoming and click on VOTE NOW to vote for Wyoming Food for Thought Project.



For more information on how you can help locally, contact Jamie Purcell at (307) 267-2421 or visit


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