Being a 'true' sports fan isn't just about loving your favorite team, it's also about despising your rivals.

Here in Wyoming, children learn at an early age that Colorado State is the enemy. And, for decades, we were conditioned to dislike BYU, too.

Which poses an interesting question for Denver Broncos fans. Now that the Raiders are moving to Las Vegas, will we still hate them as much?

Sure, we managed to hate them when they moved to Los Angeles, but it was easy to hate Al Davis, their dirty play and their classless fan base.

Nobody hates Vegas. Here in the mountain west, it's our favorite travel destination in the country.

When their lowlife fans are replaced by high rollers, will the glitz and glamor make us forget why we've been for "Raider Haters" for so long?

Road games will certainly be a lot better in Vegas than Oakland. The "Black Hole" was not a welcoming place for visiting fans. Don't be surprised if there are more Broncos fans in the stands when the Raiders move to Sin City.



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