When’s The Best Time To Start Using Flannel Sheets In Wyoming?
The calendar says fall, but the weather is channeling early winter. Temps falling and snow in the forecast, how cold does it have to be before you pull out the flannel sheets? For me, it could be -70 and I wouldn't use them because they're too hot to sleep on. I have a cooling gel on my bed, so it stays cooler than the temperature of the room and that gives it the "cool as the other side of the pillow" feel. Why would it go messing that up by putting sheets that are made to heat things up on?
According to Sleep Foundation.org, flannel goes all the way back to the 16th century in Wales, using sheep's wool woven thick for softness and warmth. In the 1800's flannel made its way to the US where it played a big role in helping the outdoor workforce stay warm. In the 20th century flannel was used by a wide range of folks, from the Army to the grungy Seattle rockers. Now it's a common piece of clothing in many people's wardrobe and on their beds, not just to stay warm in the cold temps, but in the name of fashion.
IF you're wanting to check into flannel sheets, Sleep Foundation has a couple tips for you to help make the right decision.
1. The Material plays a big role: Flannel sheets can be wool (warm & moisture-wicking), cotton (breathable) and polyester synthetic (wrinkle & stain resistant).
2. Price: Just like most things, if you pay more for your flannel sheets, you'll get better quality. You could pay up to $200 for the good ones and as low as $20 for the NOT good ones
3. Weight: Most types of sheets are measured in thread count. Flannel sheets are measured by weight, the heavier the sheet, the more durable, warm and more expensive.
4. Breathability: The way the sheets are woven and the quality of fibers are the two major factors here. Wool is the most breathable because it has the wicking feature, cotton is next and the synthetic is the type that you could easily wake up in your own puddle of sweat.
5. Ease of care: Most forms can be washed in a machine, but have to be line dried or dried on very low temps.
SO there you go...If you're into the flannel, so be it! For me, I sleep MUCH better when it's cold. Let's all have a great winter!