If you've ever read any of my posts (and according to our station geek, you probably haven't) you're probably well aware that very few radio DJ's actually make money. As I've said before, we get paid in T-shirts and concert tickets. Don't get me wrong...this is one of the greatest jobs in the world, it just takes some clever budgeting on our part to make it work. My bills get paid, food is on the table everyday, and I can afford a cocktail or two every once in a while.

Vacations are a different matter all together. Trying to justify spending thousands of dollars to take a family of four on a week-long trip to somewhere cool is hard to do. So, again, we have to get creative. Find somewhere that's cheap, fun, and interesting. You'd be surprised how many neat little destinations are only an hour or two away, and only cost gas money. With all of that being said, I want to know what little hidden gems you've found. Some great responses today. Feel free to add your own diamond-in-the-rough in the comment section. Who knows, I may see you there!

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 6/14/12

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