When I was 17, I had to tell my girlfriend's dad that I had impregnated his little girl. This man, whom I had only met once before, didn't seem pleased. My then girlfriend (now wife) was a year older than me, and was supposed to break the news to him...I was only there for moral support. Unfortunately, she couldn't even look at her old man, let alone drop that bomb on him, so I had to man-up, look him in the eye, and basically admit that I had been doing things - sexual things - to his daughter for a while. Good times.

After reading through today's answers, I feel like a douche.

There are some tough stories posted today, and I want to thank each commenter for reliving some horrific moments. Think you're having a bad day? Take a second, browse through the responses, and you may have a different outlook. Feel free to share your scariest moment in the comment scetion

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 9/06/12

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