Remember when Lawrence Taylor broke Joe Theisman's leg back in the 80's. That was odd, nasty, and career ending. But, that is one of the risks you take when you play such a violent game.

Most of us don't play football, but still have stories of these types of injuries.

Over our lives, we'll see and experience some pretty strange situations. Not all will end in injuries, but when they do, you'll end up having a great story, with the scar to back it up. Sometimes, you'll just have a scar...and a stable of lies to tell because you're too embarrassed about how you got it. To each his own, I say.

Now's your chance to get that embarrassing story off your chest. Or, share an interesting one with the rest of the class. Feel free to sound off in the comment section, and maybe you'll save someone from experiencing the same...

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 6/12/12

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