The reason there will never be a true utopia is because we all have our own personal vision of what it should be. Some people would be content doing nothing more than watching porn and eating Cheetos for the rest of their days, while others need some sort of distraction to get them through life. The same goes for the term "Living The Good Life".

Last night, I watched "Shark Tales" (what can I say...I love cartoons!), and made me think about what I would need to be living the good life. While having a boat-load of money is always welcome, I don't need a big mansion or fancy cars to be happy. Just knowing that I'm financially secure is enough. Oh, and my own personal swimming pool full of half-naked women jello wrestling would be nice, as well...

What's your definition of living the good life? Read through the answers below, then add your own take in the comment section below.

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 11/09/12
Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 11/09/12

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