Couples fight. It's unavoidable. You put two people together for an extended period of time, and they are going to have some differences.

Arguments can be healthy. If you find a couple that never argues, you've just exposed two people that lie, and are probably holding some pretty strong feelings inside...that will most likely result in a huge tiff that goes too far.

Now that that's out of the way, we have a tendency to spend too much time worrying about the little things. After being married for 17 years, I can tell you that the old adage "Choose Your Battles" is excellent advice. Not that I follow it.

While their are plenty of things to argue about, some of them are just stupid. I know a couple that divorced after arguing over which way the toilet paper should unroll. You may think "WTF?"...and you're right. This little argument got so heated, the dude - really wanting to hurt his wife - blurted out "I f---ed your best friend!" He didn't, but at the time, he just wanted to win the fight. Well, now he can unroll the T.P. however he wants.

What do you think is the stupidest reason for a couple to fight? Read through the responses below, then feel free to give your own take.

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 9/18/12


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