The saying goes that you only have one life to live. Of course, there's a herd of cows in India that disagree...

In the grand scheme of things, our individual lifespans are really rather short. Some people spend every day trying to make it shorter. These are the people that say "Live life to the fullest!". I say, "Enjoy the time you have!".

Regrets are a part of every person's life. Whether it be something you said, something you did, or something you didn't do, most regrets are like strippers - always in your face, but nothing you can do about it. So, why not loose a few regrets by doing the things you've always wanted to? Sure, it won't stop you from ruing that one time in Tijuana, but it may ease the pain...

What have you always wanted to try? Looking at the responses so far, there are a lot of people that want to fly in various forms. Me? I'd like my lovemaking to include a partner. Some day.

Read through below, then feel free to share your own "bucket list" item in the comment section

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 8/01/12


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