The only reason we as DJ's are allowed to cash a paycheck is because of you, the listener. Our job is to find what you are interested in, and make sure it makes it onto our show. What better way to find out what YOU want than by asking?

So, what do you want to hear come out of our pie-holes? Do you want local, funny, music news, national news, entertainment updates, more music/less talk? What would make you keep us on your dial? What do we do now that you dig? What could you live without?

Now's your chance to help our staff guarantee that you get what you want, when you want it. Feel free to hurt our feelings or give us kudos. Everyone knows media people have no restraints when it comes to opinions, and you shouldn't either when it comes telling us what you want. Tell us how to orally please you in the comment section...

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 6/28/12

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