I am a huge fan of both apprenticeship programs and trade schools for high school kids. Why? Well, allow me to explain:

Not all kids are the same.

It's that simple. The purpose of high school is to help kids prepare for life after school. Or, it was anyway. Now, it's treated as a prep-school for college. But...not all kids go to college. Why waste a kid's time teaching him Calculus if he is going to be a mechanic? Wouldn't he be better off learning the math he'll need for his career, rather than being bored by something he'll forget the second he's out of the classroom?

High schools are set up to teach everybody the same thing, so, by the time they graduate they are really not prepared for anything. Sure, they may be able to win a game of Trivial Pursuit every now and then, but without learning from someone who actually does this stuff for a living, they're really not prepared for anything.

I'll stop now, as this is about to turn into a rant...

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Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 4/23/12

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