So, this morning, I get to work, start my show prep, and find out immediately that Lunchbox spilled something all over the keyboard. The buttons that work stick, so when I try to post or type, it takes about 15 minutes for 10 seconds of work. Lunchbox received a nasty text at 5am. He was also the main topic of my show for four hours.

Thankfully, the engineer had an extra one laying around. Unfortunately, he doesn't come in until around 8am. Basically, my morning sucked...all thanks to one co-worker. Now, to be fair, Lunchbox owned up to it, apologized, and made me feel about 3 feet tall. He's a good dude, just pulled a boner (giggity)

Overall, we have a pretty good crew around here...most days...

What about you? What kind of crap do you have to deal with? Read the answers below, and then feel free to sound off in the comment section.

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 6/26/12

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