If I was rich, I would look for any way to pay as little taxes as possible. After all, you only stay rich by hanging onto your money.

Since I'm not rich, I'm mad that they get all of the tax breaks. After all, if you're making more, you should pay more!

It's funny how we make fun of and rag on people who have something we want. I don't know how many times I've heard an obese person say "Look at how skinny that person is! That's disgusting!", when they are thinking "I want to look like that!"

Being jealous can be a good thing. If it inspires you to better yourself, then all is kosher. Obviously, the negatives of jealousy are much more daunting if you can't keep yourself in check.

So, what are you jealous of? Some great responses today, and I really enjoyed the last one. Browse through the responses below, then feel free to add your own...

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 7/16/12

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