The dry Wyoming summers are a rough time of year. Hot and dry conditions take it's toll on the wildlife, livestock and lawns all over the state and fire becomes a serious concern.

Some parts of Wyoming are worse than others, but as we've seen over the last couple weeks, wildfires are a possibility everywhere.

Do you have your house and property prepared if fire threatens? Is your family prepared with the knowledge of what to do? Do you have an emergency 'Go-Bag'? Not being blindsided by an emergency situation is important. The better prepared you are, the better chance of protecting your property and family you are.

There are quite a few preventative tasks you can do to lower the chance of your house being destroyed by fire. Obviously you can't predict when or where a fire will start, there are things you can do to protect your property.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has seen their fair share of destructive fires all over the country and have a list of preventative suggestions.

  • Make an Emergency Plan - Make sure everyone in the house knows what needs to be done to jump into action quickly in the event a fire is approaching.
  • Use Fire-Resistant Building Materials - When you're building or doing repairs, make sure to use products that are capable of withstanding fire.
  • Fortify Your Roof - The way your home is built is an important factor of how it will fair in a wildfire. Making sure your roof has quality materials is key. Checking into the materials and upgrading is a good idea
  • Keep Floating Embers Out - Make sure all attic vents are covered with metal wire mesh to keep embers out.
  • Create A 30 Foot Defensible Space Around Your Home - Controlling and removing flammable vegetation and combustible items from the outside of your home reduces the fuels a fire can feed on. Replace the vegetation with rock, brick or concrete
  • Keep Your Gutters Clean - Debris and leaves can catch fire from air-born embers
  • Enclose Your Foundation - Keeping holes and gaps in your foundation sealed will prevent embers or fire from getting under your home
  • Have Highly Visible Home Identifying Numbers - Making sure the road name and house number can be seen with no problem is important for firefighters to find your home. Every second counts

FEMA also recommends having an emergency supply 'Go-Bag' ready at all times either already in your car or in a location that can be quickly loaded.

Here Are Items To Have In Your Go-Bag

  • Water - One gallon per person per day. Having a water filtration system for each person will reduce the space needed
  • Food - Several day supply
  • Battery Powered Radio
  • Flashlights
  • First-Aid Kit
  • Extra Batteries
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Cell Phone Charging Cables/ Charging device
  • Dust Masks
  • Plastic Sheeting and Duct Tape for shelter
  • Wipes, Trash Bags and Ties
  • Multi-function Tool
  • Local Maps

This video gives you an idea of how a wildfire works and how you can ensure your property is protected.

LOOK: Dramatic Photos Show Fires Near Wyoming Border

The Richard Spring and Lame Deer fires near the Wyoming border threatened several communities in southern Montana. Currently, firefighters are nearing complete containment on the blazes.

LOOK: Crater Ridge Fire Burning In Wyoming

The Crater Ridge fire ignited in the Bighorn National Forest in mid-July. Since then, it has grown to more than 6,000 acres in size. As of August 30, the fire is 52% contained.

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