Earlier, we posted this story about Facebook users getting tired of the social media giant. While the study shows that 61% of users have abandoned their pages for weeks at a time, Facebook is still the top social media outlet for over 1 billion users.

While I admit that Facebook has made the world a smaller place, it's also made the world a weirder and whinier place. Everyday, I see the random things people post, and sometimes it makes me want to log-off, and forget that I ever had a computer. Status updates like "going to the mall!" or "I hate [insert anything here]" just seem like a waste of time. It also gets old seeing posts from people that haven't been spell checked, or when people use stupid emoticons and random letters to express themselves...i.e. "I h8 U!", "I <3 U!", etc. Just bugs me.

What about Facebook annoys you the most? Check out the answers below, then tell us what gets your panties in a bunch in the comment section.

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 2/06/13
Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 2/06/13

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