Remember when MTV stood for Music Television? They actually showed videos all day. Of course, the negative side to this is they also ushered in an age of music where it mattered more about how you looked than how you sounded, but for the sake of this article, that’s a moot point.

Every Tuesday, I give you classic Metal video featuring bands you know, some you may have forgotten about, and others that just bring back good memories. Have a suggestion for a video you want to see or share? Lay it down in the comment section, and your video may be next week’s featured tune. And now, today’s video:

GWAR - Sick Of You

"Sick of You" is, lyrically, a simple song, dealing with feelings of utter distaste for a despised one in a somewhat comical fashion:

Your face is gross

You eat white toast

You don't know what to do

And just your luck

You really suck

And so I'm sick of you


Despite the constant repetition of the word "sick" and the somewhat simple song structure, the song is a fan favorite, perhaps due to its more radio-friendly lyrics and sound than the rest of the album. Dave Brockie has stated it to be his favorite GWAR song (usually because it means the concert is over) and its the song played the most often in the band's live shows. Many people believe that "Sick Of You" is the first song by the band with its own music video. This is not correct because a music video was made for the Hell-o! version of "Black and Huge".


Another notable part of the song is the interlude of clean singing that starts around 1:25, clean singing is generally a rare thing for the band, making this song notable for being one of the few in which it is used extensively.


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